I found this picture a long time ago in the internet, I was quite bored so I started to search images in google about the grim reaper... All the stuff was the same in my opinion (while I was searching for something interesting) until I saw this one, I thought "whoah, that one is awesome!", so I saved rapidly in my computer hard drive.
Along the time passed I used it in diferent means like a forum avatar, in the MSN messegner, other blog posting, so it became a part of my "signature" (in internet) although it never belonged to me.
So, why this picture? The answer to that is quite simple: Because I like the consept, the colors, the simple use of vectors that make it a entire "thing" with a message a litle bit sarcastic of the death and stuff relationated to it.
Well, I don't have so much ideas left, in fact I don't have more ideas to comment for this picture, sorry folks.
Take care.