jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My last vacation

My last vacation, was all about staing home, enojying my lasts months in my city before I had to go to Santiago and start the college, so I can't say that I went to a special place to spent my time because I realized that I already was in that place.

My vacations started the day I finished my last question of History PSU, the day was cold and I was mentally exausted, so in order to begin my vacations I slept the whole noon to late hours in the night, then when I woke up I said to myself that I was going to enjoy a relaxing vacation.

The most of the time I was with friends of the "Ketchup House" a group of fellows who share the love for drawing and some geek things, we spent a lot of weekends at the library drawing and chating, also we used to go to someone's house tho cook a good lunch and spent the rest of the day chating about things that we like and stuff like that.

I can't say that was a most remarcable moment because every weekend was special, always something strange happened when we were walking on the sidewalk or someone said something very, very funny at the library, so I have lot of awesome moments to remember of my last vacations.

Why I will never forget about my last vacations? Well... My friends of "Ketchup House" are kind of special to me, all of them acepted me in their group very kindly, and allowed me to have moments that changed one of the most lonely years of study (because I already finished High School one year ago on those times) into one of the most fun year of my life.

What to say about the wheater? It started chilly in december (in concepción the cold days end in January) but when the new year started the days become warmer.

So that's all about my last vacations, thanks for reading folks.

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