jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

"The best person in your Area"

Well, now I have to write about a person that I admire and who has done mayor changes in the world, or at least my country. After giving it some thinking I thought of José Miguel Carrera.

So, Why do I think he is the Best ? Well, I belive that he is the true father of my country, and not O'Higgins. With the coup of 4th of 1811 he truly had the idea to make Chile a independent country from Spain.

The qualities that I admire the most of him, and what makes me belive that he is the best, are the determination and the strong will that he had. They were essential to go against the Rulers of those times.

Why do I admire Him?, I think that is pretty clear with what I have said before.

Badass Guy + Awesome Ideals = Admirable Person

And again, his actions in the coup of 1811 made him the best, a person capable not only of thinking in an independent country, also the will and power to do things to archive that. In those times Only a few pepople were able to do that.

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