lunes, 15 de junio de 2009


In the Sir Ken Robinson’s talk called “Do Schools Kill Creativity" he talks about the current culture that we live, and their focalization in certain matters of imagination and knowledge. Also, he talked about the educational system that doesn’t allow the children of being wrong and forcing their creativity to be bounded, this by making them afraid of being wrong with years of study. Also he says that all these problems found their source not only in culture, also in the society that we live and this one enforces the “professionalism” making us as fathers and mothers (or future fathers and mothers) to follow a certain scale of disciplines, putting in first place the science, in second place the letters and literature, and at last the arts. In the end of the talk he said as a manner of analogy with ecology that our only hope for our future is establish a new conception of human capacity, because the educational system has focused in some places of our mind that in future will no longer present benefits to us.

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