lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
In the Sir Ken Robinson’s talk called “Do Schools Kill Creativity" he talks about the current culture that we live, and their focalization in certain matters of imagination and knowledge. Also, he talked about the educational system that doesn’t allow the children of being wrong and forcing their creativity to be bounded, this by making them afraid of being wrong with years of study. Also he says that all these problems found their source not only in culture, also in the society that we live and this one enforces the “professionalism” making us as fathers and mothers (or future fathers and mothers) to follow a certain scale of disciplines, putting in first place the science, in second place the letters and literature, and at last the arts. In the end of the talk he said as a manner of analogy with ecology that our only hope for our future is establish a new conception of human capacity, because the educational system has focused in some places of our mind that in future will no longer present benefits to us.
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
The future ~
Now, some writing about the future.
The time is set to 5 years in the future, what I will be doing after that amount of time?
Well, I think I'll be studying, maybe a master in political science, and if I'm not working I will be looking for one, since I'm studying now with a loan from the state, and I have two years to start paying when I graduate. In the best of the cases I will be in France, because I want to finish my studies there (and start a master there too).
Maybe I'll be living in a hostal, o I'll be paying rent with some friends (in the case of living in France). So, when the savings from working get big, I will choose whether to stay there, or to return to Chile and buy a Big house in the middle of a forest on a hill. There I will spend most of my time, making and eating sopaipillas with ketchup.
What about love? I don't know very well what will happen in that matter, but I'm sure that some day I will love a woman so much that I will like to live with her the rest of my life, and that day I will leave my house in the middle of the forest on a hill.
Thanks for the reading folks~
The time is set to 5 years in the future, what I will be doing after that amount of time?
Well, I think I'll be studying, maybe a master in political science, and if I'm not working I will be looking for one, since I'm studying now with a loan from the state, and I have two years to start paying when I graduate. In the best of the cases I will be in France, because I want to finish my studies there (and start a master there too).
Maybe I'll be living in a hostal, o I'll be paying rent with some friends (in the case of living in France). So, when the savings from working get big, I will choose whether to stay there, or to return to Chile and buy a Big house in the middle of a forest on a hill. There I will spend most of my time, making and eating sopaipillas with ketchup.
What about love? I don't know very well what will happen in that matter, but I'm sure that some day I will love a woman so much that I will like to live with her the rest of my life, and that day I will leave my house in the middle of the forest on a hill.
Thanks for the reading folks~
"The best person in your Area"
Well, now I have to write about a person that I admire and who has done mayor changes in the world, or at least my country. After giving it some thinking I thought of José Miguel Carrera.
So, Why do I think he is the Best ? Well, I belive that he is the true father of my country, and not O'Higgins. With the coup of 4th of 1811 he truly had the idea to make Chile a independent country from Spain.
The qualities that I admire the most of him, and what makes me belive that he is the best, are the determination and the strong will that he had. They were essential to go against the Rulers of those times.
Why do I admire Him?, I think that is pretty clear with what I have said before.
Badass Guy + Awesome Ideals = Admirable Person
And again, his actions in the coup of 1811 made him the best, a person capable not only of thinking in an independent country, also the will and power to do things to archive that. In those times Only a few pepople were able to do that.
So, Why do I think he is the Best ? Well, I belive that he is the true father of my country, and not O'Higgins. With the coup of 4th of 1811 he truly had the idea to make Chile a independent country from Spain.
The qualities that I admire the most of him, and what makes me belive that he is the best, are the determination and the strong will that he had. They were essential to go against the Rulers of those times.
Why do I admire Him?, I think that is pretty clear with what I have said before.
Badass Guy + Awesome Ideals = Admirable Person
And again, his actions in the coup of 1811 made him the best, a person capable not only of thinking in an independent country, also the will and power to do things to archive that. In those times Only a few pepople were able to do that.
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

I found this picture a long time ago in the internet, I was quite bored so I started to search images in google about the grim reaper... All the stuff was the same in my opinion (while I was searching for something interesting) until I saw this one, I thought "whoah, that one is awesome!", so I saved rapidly in my computer hard drive.
Along the time passed I used it in diferent means like a forum avatar, in the MSN messegner, other blog posting, so it became a part of my "signature" (in internet) although it never belonged to me.
So, why this picture? The answer to that is quite simple: Because I like the consept, the colors, the simple use of vectors that make it a entire "thing" with a message a litle bit sarcastic of the death and stuff relationated to it.
Well, I don't have so much ideas left, in fact I don't have more ideas to comment for this picture, sorry folks.
Take care.
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
My most precious posession
My most precious posession probably is the concepts that I managed to create along my life, the whole bunch of ideas that controls my life, which are the result of what I've lived. These... "things" maybe can explain my behaviour in cetain situations that nobody could tell why I acted in certain way that people didn't expected.
It's hard to explain what one can create along his life in terms of concepts, such as mental structures, predeterminated chains of thoughts that appear as answer to common life events, personally I believe that these "things" are the core of my entire being.
I don't know what to do some times with these kind of thoughts stored in my mind, althought they are very precious to me because they diferenciate myself from the commom mass of people or at least I like to belive that, they sometimes make my social life hard.
Althought in social groups being the freaky guy is not that bad as it sounds, most of the time I can have good time with friends.
So in the end the most posession that I own are all my efforts to understand life events that made me be the way that I am.
It's hard to explain what one can create along his life in terms of concepts, such as mental structures, predeterminated chains of thoughts that appear as answer to common life events, personally I believe that these "things" are the core of my entire being.
I don't know what to do some times with these kind of thoughts stored in my mind, althought they are very precious to me because they diferenciate myself from the commom mass of people or at least I like to belive that, they sometimes make my social life hard.
Althought in social groups being the freaky guy is not that bad as it sounds, most of the time I can have good time with friends.
So in the end the most posession that I own are all my efforts to understand life events that made me be the way that I am.
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
My last vacation
My last vacation, was all about staing home, enojying my lasts months in my city before I had to go to Santiago and start the college, so I can't say that I went to a special place to spent my time because I realized that I already was in that place.
My vacations started the day I finished my last question of History PSU, the day was cold and I was mentally exausted, so in order to begin my vacations I slept the whole noon to late hours in the night, then when I woke up I said to myself that I was going to enjoy a relaxing vacation.
The most of the time I was with friends of the "Ketchup House" a group of fellows who share the love for drawing and some geek things, we spent a lot of weekends at the library drawing and chating, also we used to go to someone's house tho cook a good lunch and spent the rest of the day chating about things that we like and stuff like that.
I can't say that was a most remarcable moment because every weekend was special, always something strange happened when we were walking on the sidewalk or someone said something very, very funny at the library, so I have lot of awesome moments to remember of my last vacations.
Why I will never forget about my last vacations? Well... My friends of "Ketchup House" are kind of special to me, all of them acepted me in their group very kindly, and allowed me to have moments that changed one of the most lonely years of study (because I already finished High School one year ago on those times) into one of the most fun year of my life.
What to say about the wheater? It started chilly in december (in concepción the cold days end in January) but when the new year started the days become warmer.
So that's all about my last vacations, thanks for reading folks.
My vacations started the day I finished my last question of History PSU, the day was cold and I was mentally exausted, so in order to begin my vacations I slept the whole noon to late hours in the night, then when I woke up I said to myself that I was going to enjoy a relaxing vacation.
The most of the time I was with friends of the "Ketchup House" a group of fellows who share the love for drawing and some geek things, we spent a lot of weekends at the library drawing and chating, also we used to go to someone's house tho cook a good lunch and spent the rest of the day chating about things that we like and stuff like that.
I can't say that was a most remarcable moment because every weekend was special, always something strange happened when we were walking on the sidewalk or someone said something very, very funny at the library, so I have lot of awesome moments to remember of my last vacations.
Why I will never forget about my last vacations? Well... My friends of "Ketchup House" are kind of special to me, all of them acepted me in their group very kindly, and allowed me to have moments that changed one of the most lonely years of study (because I already finished High School one year ago on those times) into one of the most fun year of my life.
What to say about the wheater? It started chilly in december (in concepción the cold days end in January) but when the new year started the days become warmer.
So that's all about my last vacations, thanks for reading folks.
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
My best friend
Well, well, again here I'm writing in English class, now I have to write about my best friend.
His name is Cristian, and the first time I met him I was about 6 or 7 Years old, it was at the school, he had a very bad disease, so I didn't like to be near him, in fact I was a quite bad person at him, I remember the first time I saw him, I was like "ah, nothing interesting, he is just sick" or something like that.
The best memory that I have about him, is when we were in our last year in High School, our free time between classes we spent it walking in the school, and talking about our projects and stuff, those were good times.
What I like about him is his funny personality, and I didn't liked so much when he was telling stories, because most of the time they were lies.
I don't know about a greatest adventure would mean in the friendship that I have with him, we aren't the type of guys that go in incredible adventures and expose themselves to serious dangers, so I don't think that is an adventure to tell.
So, what I envy about himself ? That's a quite hard question. But I truly belive that I don't envy anything about him, all is just ok.
So, finally what i would give him ? I think that a figure of Warhammer 40.000 Would be fine, he is very interested in that game, and stuff. So it would be perfect for him.
His name is Cristian, and the first time I met him I was about 6 or 7 Years old, it was at the school, he had a very bad disease, so I didn't like to be near him, in fact I was a quite bad person at him, I remember the first time I saw him, I was like "ah, nothing interesting, he is just sick" or something like that.
The best memory that I have about him, is when we were in our last year in High School, our free time between classes we spent it walking in the school, and talking about our projects and stuff, those were good times.
What I like about him is his funny personality, and I didn't liked so much when he was telling stories, because most of the time they were lies.
I don't know about a greatest adventure would mean in the friendship that I have with him, we aren't the type of guys that go in incredible adventures and expose themselves to serious dangers, so I don't think that is an adventure to tell.
So, what I envy about himself ? That's a quite hard question. But I truly belive that I don't envy anything about him, all is just ok.
So, finally what i would give him ? I think that a figure of Warhammer 40.000 Would be fine, he is very interested in that game, and stuff. So it would be perfect for him.
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